




Histology Testbank: Histology Stains and Techniques 2

Instructions: Pick the one best answer. This test bank is also useful for USMLE preparation (USMLE step 1 preparation).

During the preparation of a routine H&E slide, what allows the tissue to hold its form?
a. Fixation
b. Embedding in paraffin
c. Staining
d. Slicing
e. Dehydration

Answer: b

During the preparation of a routine H&E slide, what step occurs after the tissue is embedded in paraffin?
a. Fixation
b. Rehydration
c. Staining
d. Slicing
e. Dehydration

Answer: d

During the preparation of a routine H&E slide, what step occurs after the tissue is stained?
a. Fixation
b. Embedding in paraffin
c. Staining
d. Slicing
e. Dehydration

Answer: e

There are several steps in the preparation of a slide for microscopic examination. First, the tissue is "fixed" with formalin. This preserves it. After the tissue is fixed, it is dehydrated (dehydration will occur twice during slide preparation). The tissue sample is then embedded in paraffin. This forms a solid block, so that it can be placed in a microtome. It is then thinly sliced using a microtome. A thin slice of the specimen is then placed on a slide. The paraffin is removed by dissolving it with a chemical. The tissue is then rehydrated. In order to view the tissue, it is stained. After it is stained, it is again dehydrated. A coverslip is then mounted on top of it. The specimen is then ready for viewing.

Which of the following is an acid dye?
a. Azure II
b. Toluidine blue
c. Methylene blue
d. Eosin
e. Thionine

Answer: d

Eosin is an acid dye. It will bind to and stain basic structures (or negatively charged structures), such as cationic amino groups on proteins. It stains them pink. Cytoplasm, muscle, connective tissue, and decalcified bone matrix all stain pink with eosin. "H&E" stand for hematoxylin and eosin. Hematoxylin and eosin stain is used for routine tissue preparation frequently.

Azure II, Toluidine blue, Methylene blue, Thionine are all basic dyes.

Which of the following would be best suited for peripheral blood smears?
a. Wright's stain
b. Hematoxylin and eosin stain
c. Sudan stain
d. Silver impregnation
e. Masson's trichrome stain

Answer: a

Which of the following stains is used for routine histological examination?
a. Wright's stain
b. Hematoxylin and eosin stain
c. Sudan stain
d. Silver impregnation
e. Masson's trichrome stain

Answer: b

A peripheral blood smear would be best visualized with Wright's stain. Hematoxylin and eosin stain is the most commonly used tissue stain for routine histological examination. Lipids are best displayed with a sudan stain. Silver impregnation, such as with a reticular stain, can be used to visualize reticular fibers. Collagen fibers can be differentiated from other fibers by staining with Masson's trichrome stain.

What is Prussian blue stain used for?
a. Sodium
b. Potassium
c. Calcium
d. Copper
e. Iron

Answer: e

Prussian blue stain is used to stain iron.

What color does hematoxylin stain structures?
a. Orange
b. Blue
c. Pink
d. Red
e. Green

Answer: b

"H & E" stands for hematoxylin and eosin. Hematoxylin can be thought of as a basic dye. It binds to acidic structures, staining them blue to purple. For example, it will bind and stains nucleic acids. Therefore, the nucleus stains blue.

Which of the following would be best suited to differentiate collagen fibers from other fibers ?
a. Wright's stain
b. Hematoxylin and eosin stain
c. Sudan stain
d. Silver impregnation
e. Masson's trichrome stain

Answer: e

A peripheral blood smear would be best visualized with Wright's stain. Hematoxylin and eosin stain is the most commonly used tissue stain for routine histological examination. Lipids are best displayed with a sudan stain. Silver impregnation, such as with a reticular stain, can be used to visualize reticular fibers. Collagen fibers can be differentiated from other fibers by staining with Masson's trichrome stain.