




Histology Testbank: Male Reproductive System 2

Instructions: For each histology question, pick the one best answer. This histology test bank is also useful for the histology questions on the USMLE (USMLE step 1). Click here for answers and detailed explanations.

Which cells are directly involved in spermatogenesis?
a. Interstitial cells
b. Leydig cells
c. Sertoli cells
d. Sustentacular cells
e. Both c and d

Which of the following are produced by the Sertoli cells?
a. Inhibin
b. Androgen binding protein
c. Testosterone
d. Both a and b
e. All of the above

Which of the following is NOT considered an accessory gland?
a. Prostate
b. Bulbourethral gland
c. Seminal vesicles
d. Ductus deferens
e. None of the above

What is another term for a bulbourethral gland?
a. Bartholin's gland
b. Prostate gland
c. Skene's gland
d. Cowper's gland
e. Brunner's gland

What are the spherical structures seen in some prostatic alveoli called?
a. Psammoma bodies
b. Corpora arenacea
c. Hassall's corpuscles
d. Prostatic concretions
e. Pacinian corpuscles

What type of epithelium lines the seminal vesicles?
a. Pseudostratified
b. Simple columnar
c. Stratified squamous
d. Simple squamous
e. Simple cuboidal

What type of epithelium lines the vas deferens?
a. Pseudostratified
b. Simple columnar
c. Stratified squamous
d. Simple squamous
e. Simple cuboidal

What type of gland composes the prostate?
a. Simple straight tubular gland
b. Simple coiled tubular gland
c. Simple alveolar gland
d. Compound tubular gland
e. Compound tubuloalveolar gland

What is the stroma of the prostate?
a. Loose irregular connective tissue
b. Smooth muscle
c. Fibromuscular
d. Adipose tissue
e. Dense irregular connective tissue

How many layers of smooth muscle are in the vas deferens?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
e. 5

Answer: c

Click here for answers and detailed explanations.