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Histology Eponyms |
Auerbach's plexus | Leopold Auerbach | myenteric plexus |
Betz cells | Vladimir Aleksandrovich Betz | large pyramidal cells of the motor cortex of the cerebrum seen on histology slides |
Bowman's capsule | Sir William Bowman | glomerular capsule of the kidney seen on histology slides |
Bowman's membrane | Sir William Bowman | layer in the cornea below epithelium seen on histology slides |
Bruch's membrane | Karl Wilhelm Ludwig Bruch | lamina vitrea of the choroid seen on histology slides |
Brunner's glands | Johann Conrad Brunner | glands in the duodenum seen on histology slides |
Bundle of His | Wilhelm His, Jr. | atrioventricular bundle |
Canals of Hering | Karl Ewald Konstantin Hering | small bile ducts which connect to portal canals in the liver seen on histology slides |
Canal of Schlemm | Friedrich S. Schlemm | scleral venous sinus of the eye seen on histology slides |
Clara cell | Max Clara | secretory cell in the lung seen on histology slides |
Cords of Billroth | Theodor Billroth | splenic cords of the spleen seen on histology slides |
Crypts of Lieberkuhn | Johann Nathaniel Lieberkuhn | epithelial glands in the small intestine seen on histology slides |
Descemet's membrane | Jean Descemet | limiting layer of the cornea seen on histology slides |
Ducts of Bellini | Lorenzo Bellini | papillary duct of the kidney seen on histology slides |
Ducts of Luschka | Hubert von Luschka | small ducts found in the connective tissue between the gallbladder and the liver |
Golgi aparatus | Camillo Golgi | intercellular organelle |
Golgi tendon organ | Camillo Golgi | sensory nerve ending embedded in a tendon for proprioception |
Graafian follicle | Reijnier de Graaf | tertiary follicle of an ovary seen on a histology slide |
Haversian canal | Clopton Havers | central canal of an osteon of bone seen on a histology slide |
Haversian system | Clopton Havers | osteon of bone seen on a histology slide |
Islets of Langerhans | Paul Langerhans | pancreatic islets of the pancreas seen on histology slides |
Leydig cells | Franz von Leydig | interstitial cells of the testis |
Loop of Henle | Friedrich Gustav Jacob Henle | U shaped loop in the nephron of the kidney |
Krause end bulbs | Wilhelm Johann Friedrich Krause | cylindrical/oval sensory receptor |
Kupffer cells | Karl Wilhem Kupffer | macrophage of the liver seen on histology slides |
Malpighian corpuscle | Marcello Malpighi | renal corpuscle of the kidney seen on histology slides |
Martinotti cell | Giovanni Martinotti | type of nerve cell found in the cerebral cortex |
Meissner's corpuscle | Georg Meissner | mechanoreceptor |
Meissner 's plexus |
Georg Meissner | submucosal plexus |
Merkel's disc | Friedrich Siegismund Merkel | tactile receptor |
Moll's gland | Jacob Antonius Moll | glands of the conjunctiva |
Nissl bodies | Franz Nissl | rough endoplasmic reticulum of a neuron |
Node of Ranvier | Louise Antoine Ranvier | area between two Schwann cells covering nerve fibers with axon which is not covered by myelin |
Organ of Corti | Marquis Alphonso Corti | small organ of sound transduction; spiral organ |
Pacinian corpuscle | Filipo Pacini | lamellar corpuscle |
Paneth cells | Josef Paneth | cell type found in the small intestine seen on histology slides |
Peyer's patches | Johann Konrad Peyer | aggregates of lymphatic tissue in the ileum seen on histology slides |
Purkinje cells | Jan Evangelista Purkyne | cells of part of the cerebellum seen on histology slides |
Purkinje fibers | Jan Evangelista Purkyne | part of the conducting system of the heart |
Renal columns of Bertin | Exupère Joseph Bertin | renal columns seen on histology slides |
Renshaw cell | Birdsey Renshaw | inhibitory interneuron seen in the spinal cord |
Ruffini's corpuscle | Angelo Ruffini | sensory receptor |
Scwann Cell | Theodor Schwann | cell involved in myelination of neurons within a nerve |
Sertoli cells | Enrico Sertoli | sustentacular cells of the testis seen on histology slides |
Space of Disse | Joseph Disse | perisinosoidal space of the liver seen on histology slides |
Volkmann's canals | Alfred Wilhelm Volkmann | perforating canals of bone |
Wharton's jelly | Thomas Wharton | mucous connective tissue seen in umbilical cord |
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